Monday, July 6, 2009

Sippel CSA Report 7/4/09

Yes, there was a CSA pickup on the 4th of July! I was running a 5 mile race that morning out in Granville, so luckily my dad was able to pick it up for me.

It was a huge haul again. I have to tell you, we are more than getting our money's worth! We can barely eat all of our veggies by the end of the week. :)

This week, we got:
-a big head of lettuce
-a few beets
-tons of zucchini and few small yellow squash
-a bunch of basil
-the first tomatoes! two small yellow ones (already eaten by me!)
-more garlic scapes

I'm probably forgetting something - there was a ton!

1 comment:

  1. I feel like I should do this....I don't have time to come up with fancy recipes like you and Todd, though. I'm afraid it would go to waste....
