Friday, October 16, 2009

Sippel CSA Report 10/13/09

We were out of town (I was running the Chicago Marathon!) last weekend so we arranged to pick up the CSA on Tuesday instead of on the weekend, which worked out well. It was another big week! We got:

-3 pumpkins
-2 lbs potatoes
-2 spaghetti squash
-1 garlic
-1 bunch of rainbow chard (which is always so pretty!)
-a few green peppers
-something else I'm forgetting but that was big and good :)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Spaghetti with Braised Kale

Tonight I made another recipe from the October Bon Appetit. I'm pretty sure this was a Molly Wizenberg recipe - I always love her stories. I read her article about Green Goddess dressing and Chez Panisse right before I went there, and it inspired me to order the salad with the dressing at the restaurant, which I LOVED.

Spaghetti with Braised Kale

I liked this recipe a lot. It was somewhat similar to the other night - greens with pasta, but this one worked a bit more as a dish for me. Maybe because I cut back on the pasta? My only complaint was that I wanted a bit more sauciness to hold it all together, but that was probably my fault - I probably should have put more of the cooking water in at the end.

This was my first time cooking kale (we've gotten it in the CSA before but Mr. T always used it) and I really, really liked this way of cooking it. The onions and garlic made it soooo tasty. I actually used kale and chard, because I didn't have enough kale and the chard looked like it was reaching the end of its rope too. It was really good. I would make that again just to have as a side.

I served this with some very good mild Italian chicken sausage that I got from Oink Moo Cluck at the Worthington Farmers Market. VERY tasty.

All in all, this was definitely a thumbs up meal. :)

Butternut Squash with Mussels and Pasta

We have an abundance of produce at our house that we are not using quickly enough. This week is a determined effort to use more of it! :) I flipped through the October Bon Appetit the other night and came across a few recipes that made use of some of our veggies.

The first one I tried was

Linguine with Butternut Squash, Spinach, and Mussels

We had this for dinner Saturday night. I loved the mussels. Cooking them was super easy and even better, super fast. Mr. T picked them up at the North Market and said they were really cheap too - only $5 for a pound. I will definitely be making these again.

The butternut squash also turned out very well. I roasted half with some fresh sage to save for another time (lunch today!) and I thought it was good both with and without. I've never been a huge squash fan and I definitely prefer it saltier vs. sweeter, but this was very good.

Overall though, I can't say I loved this dish. The pieces just weren't coming together as a cohesive whole for me. I liked the individual parts, but I ate them that way. Maybe I needed to make more sauce or cut back on the pasta, but it just wasn't awesome all together. Definitely a thumbs up for the parts though - my first time cooking both mussels and butternut squash, and I'll do both again!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sippel CSA Report 10/3/09

Wow, I stumbled on that date. Can't believe it's October!

We got a ton of stuff this week:
-2 pumpkins
-2 green peppers
-1 eggplant
-2 red onions
-2 squash
-bunch of turnips

I feel like I'm missing something because it was tons of food. Gotta get cooking! :)