Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sippel CSA report 8/8/09

I thought I'd post while the veggies are still freshly here!

This week was pretty different than past weeks. It included:
-2 small eggplant
-2 fennel
-small bunch of basil
-large bunch of parsley
-small head of garlic
-head of cabbage (maybe napa?)
-2 green bell peppers
-a few hot peppers, including a big green one and a few jalapenos
-3 1/2 lbs of tomatoes!!!!!

I'm a little sad about the lack of lettuce but since I've fallen behind on my lettuce, I still have last week's head to eat. (Yes, the veggies stay fresh THAT long!!) Plus, my love of tomatoes and happiness for all of these tomatoes certainly overcomes the lettuce sadness.

I'm making some quiches to take to an event tomorrow and plan to incorporate some of our veggies. I'm thinking the veggie one will be zucchini, goat cheese, and carmelized onions. The other will be bacon and cheese.

Speaking of bacon, I'm not a bacon afficionado, but the bacon from Oink Moo Cluck at the market is sooo good. We had to get store bacon recently in a pinch and it was so not the same. Unfortunately for tomorrow's quiche eaters, I'm actually using up that store bacon for the quiche. :)

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